
Billings First Church is pleased to offer groups, classes, and events to help us keep growing in Biblical/theological literacy, cultural literacy, spiritual literacy, and spiritual practice.

The labyrinth

tAKE A Journey Through THE Illuminated Labyrinth

Walking the path of a labyrinth is like making a pilgrimage. It is a contemplative practice, a “listening for God” form of prayer. Traditionally, movement toward the center is a time of “letting go” so that, upon reaching the center, one enters with empty hands, ready to receive what God has for you. Movement away from the center is a time of empowerment and joy. As you leave the labyrinth you may choose to receive a blessing and/or anointing. That said, the labyrinth can be whatever you need it to be. First Church’s beautiful candlelit 11-circuit labyrinth in the Chartres cathedral design will be available for walking on the following occasions:

March 5 (Ash Wednesday.), 5–7 p.m.

April 18 (Good Friday), 7–9 p.m.

Although no registration or registration fees are required, donations to Billings First Church are appreciated.

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...

The Enneagram

If you seek a new tool to facilitate personal and spiritual growth — and to gain a deeper understanding of others — this Enneagram workshops are for you.

Join a group of like-minded individuals to learn about this ancient tool and the nine personality types: the Reformer (type 1), the Helper (type 2), the Achiever (type 3), the Individualist (type 4), the Investigator (type 5), the Loyalist (type 6), the Enthusiast (type 7), the Challenger (type 8), and the Peacemaker (type 9).

*Take the RHETI test prior to the workshop to identify your basic personality type.

*Must complete Enneagram 101 to participate in the Enneagram 201 Workshop

Facilitated by Barbara Gulick, MRE, DASD, Commissioned Minister of Spiritual Direction, and Shelly Ellison, MSW, SWLC. Sponsored by Billings First Congregational Church’s Faith Formation Ministry.

Scholarships available! Contact Barbara Gulick at for more information.

EnneagrAM 101: An Introduction

saturday | February 22nd | 9:30 AM-11:30 AM


The Enneagram is a system of 9 personality types with ancient roots and a modern expression initially popularized by the Jesuits. It is an amazing tool for personal and spiritual growth and for facilitating the ability of working groups, such as staffs, boards, and committees, to understand the dynamics of the group in order to work together more effectively. This workshop will explore the origins of the enneagram, its three intelligence centers, its 9 personality types, and more. Spiritual Director Barbara Gulick ( and Shelly Ellison, Enneagram Coach, are the instructors for this one-session workshop, which will be offered in the Sweetgrass Room at Billings First Church on Saturday, Jan 25th, 2024, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Prerequisite: Completion of the RHETI test. Registration is required. Suggested donation to Billings First Church is $25, but any amount is appreciated.

*Must complete Enneagram 101 to participate in the Enneagram 201 Workshop and beyond.

Sign up

Enneagrgam workshops


    in Relationships

    SAT | feb 22 | 1:30 PM

    explore the Enneagram as a tool for enriching relationships at home, in the workplace, and in the community.


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    in Social Justice

    SAT | Apr 26 | 1:30 PM

    Using the ENNEAGRAM AS A TOOL to transform our lives and our world.


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  • The Enneagram

    In Personal & Spiritual Growth

    Sat | OCT 25 | 1:30 pm

    Learning to use the enneagram to obtain Personal & Spiritual Growth


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Living with the Enneagram

Discussion Group

A discussion group of 6 – 8 persons who are consciously living with the help of the Enneagram tool.

Shelly Ellison and Barbara Gulick, facilitators.

Prerequisite: Enneagram 101 or equivalent.

Registration is required. Sign up below.

Start date/time: TBD

Join the discussion

Yoga with lisa

1st & 3rd Thursdays

10AM | bfcc

yoga shala montana

Yoga | Wellness | Giggles | Community