Kids Ministry

In our Kids Ministry, our mission is to help kids explore their faith  through creative expression spiritual practices. We believe that kids have the capacity to walk intimately with God, and we love to see them learn about and connect with our Creator when creating, learning, and growing through service community.

It's That TIme Again!

It’s been too long since our Youth Pastor has had a new hair color… Let’s fix that!

Once again we are holding a Youth Group fundraiser for our summer youth trip (location TBD). You get to “vote” for the color that Marcus will dye his hair with your donations to our youth trip fund. You can make your donation by clicking the button above, or by placing cash or check into the donation cans at the church. Whichever color raised the most money wins!

This year, the color options are: PINKBLUEGREENor ORANGE.

Starting now, you can cast your votes! We will be collecting donations and tabulating votes until the day before Easter Sunday (April 19th). On Easter Sunday, Youth Pastor Marcus will show up to church with his hair dyed the winning color.

We look forward to seeing which color wins!

Cast your vote for Marcus' new hair color and be part of the excitement!

Vote Now

Children's Church

Sundays during service

During Children's Church, we will pray together, then learn a story or lesson from the Bible by playing dress up, playing games, doing crafts, and more. This year we will be using the “Mini Revolutions” curriculum from Illustrated Ministries.

Annual BackYard BBQ

Annual BBQ to kick-off our Summer youth program! This is kind of an initial meeting so that you can get to know our staff, our church, and the other families involved in our youth program.  So we encourage all who are interested in participating in our youth program to join us for food, fun & games as we talk about our youth program and all we have to offer. 

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Sunday Youth Group (6th-12th)

all youth grades 6-12  Sunday after service

Our goal for Youth Group is for it to truly become our youth’s ministry. Each young person, both in the congregation and the broader local community, has God-given talents to share. Each young person has a God-given mind that is often filled with questions and curiosity. We want BFCC’s youth ministry to be a place where we can ask questions, explore various topics, learn about our world and ourselves, and grow in community with one another.

Our Youth Pastor, Marcus Frye, has lots of ideas for religious education, service projects, Bible studies, and more. But ultimately, we want you, the youth, to decide what happens at your Youth Group. We look forward to working with you.

Want to have fun while making a positive impact?

We are creating a volunteer team for our Youth Group program. Volunteers will be helping our Youth Director guide our youth through a variety of activities like bible study, cooking, outdoor adventures, and more.



During Summer, youth gather at Billings First Church for Vacation Bible School! 

VBS is a creative, instructive and playful experience for kids to learn and explore their faith. It's also a time to build relationships and have fun!

During this exciting weeklong program, kid discover simple ways to live out faith in daily life. 

Register for VBS

Upcoming Youth Offerings

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...

Another Year of Youth Ministry at Billings First Congregational Church!

I am excited for all of what the upcoming program year will entail for us. This year, however, will look a bit different than years past. Starting in late November/early December, Pastor Lisa will be going on a well-earned sabbatical. As most of you probably already know, that means that I have been called as the Interim Sabbatical Minister while Lisa is away. In the months of December through February, I will be preaching and presiding over service, as well as filling other roles that this church has entrusted to me. 

While this means there will be some changes, fear not! Youth and Children’s ministry will still be happening while I am taking on extra duties. Events we still have to look forward to this next program year include: Youth Group end of summer bonfire, Downtown Trick-or-Treat, the Christmas Pageant, Easter Egg hunt, Youth Group summer trip, Outdoor Ministries Camps, and Vacation Bible School! Keep watch for the dates for these events during announcement during service, on social media, and in the church newsletter. 

We will still be having Youth Group, and Children’s Church too! However, there will be some changes during the months of December, January, and February. During that time, Youth Group will be held on a day of the week other than Sunday, so keep watch for announcements. Children’s Church will unfortunately not be happening during those months. Instead, I will be devoting more time to the “Time for Young at Heart” section of our Sunday service.

I am looking forward to another year of spectacular ministry in this church, and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for us.

Marcus Frye, Youth Pastor

marcus frye, he/him

Since I became the Youth and Young Adult Director in May 2022, I have felt nothing but welcome and encouragement from this congregation. My partner Nathan and I were welcomed (and put to work) almost immediately. As Nathan and I have gotten to know Billings, it has been so wonderful to have such an amazing community to ground us. 

I am humbled by the challenging questions that doing this work makes me ask. What does youth ministry look like in the context of Billings First Church’s unique expression of faith? How can youth ministry engage young people in a serious exploration of their relationship with God, while also being fun? How do we as a church equip young people to respond to God’s calls towards justice, peace, and mercy?

I don’t think anyone but God has perfect answers to all of those questions. However, I think there are actions that we can take in our youth ministry to put us on the path toward answering them. To that end, I have a few things planned for the next year. The Scriptures that we have inherited as Christians are a treasure trove. It’s Important that children and young people not only learn about what is in scripture, but also learn how to wrestle and engage with it. 

I truly look forward to the next amazing year of Youth Ministry at Billings First Church. 

Marcus Frye

BFCC Youth Pastor