Thursday, September 5th, 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

at Billings First Congregational Church

In the United Church of Christ, the authority to ordain ministers and to grant ministerial standing is given to Associations. In our case, the Montana - N. Wyoming Conference acts as an Association. Our Church and Ministry Commission has been meeting with Barbara Gulick as a Member-in-Discernment to guide her preparation and call to authorized ministry. Barbara has prepared an ordination portfolio for review by the Church and Ministry Commission, and is recommended as a candidate for an Ecclesiastical Council.

Delegates from local churches are invited to the Ecclesiastical Council to examine Barbara’s ordination paper and to ask questions about her faith, practices, and readiness to serve as an authorized minister, and then vote to approve or disapprove her for ordination.

The registration deadline will be open through September 4, 2024.​

Register to attend

(for both in-person & virtual attendants)

If you will be attending virtually, please also register with zoom for the meeting link.

Click here to register on Zoom

Barbara's ordination paper is available to all prior to the ecclesiastical council. 

Click below to read her published ordination paper.​

Barbara Gulick Ordination Paper

Let’s pack the house!

See you all here at Billings First Congregational Church

Thursday, September 5th at 5:30 p.m. 

to honor Barbara Gulick’s ministry!